In this article will discuss about sharing an Internet connection using a Gateway and Ms. PCLinuxOS. Windows or other Linux as a client.
The reason I use Linux as a gateway is the ability to filter external attack better in comparison to using Windows as the Gateway.
As I write this article I am using PCLinuxOS TinyMe 2008 on Fujitsu Notebooks Pentium III that I enable the Mobile Computing and Gateway in my lab. Basically konfogurasi use and other PCLinuxOS PCLinuxOS just the same as I use.
* Make sure there login as root
* Prepare a computer unit which is already installed PCLinuxOS with one or more NICs on the computer.
* Connect PCLinuxOS into the network (LAN) cable, or receipts you either wireless device. Here I use UTP cable as a channel of communication on IP (Internet Protocol) in my network.
* After PCLinuxOS is connected and all computers connect with PCLinuxOS then the next step is to establish a connection the internet connection on PCLinuxOS. Here, I use Dial Up Internet keoneksi GSM Telkomsel Flash (Telkomsel Flash Unlimited) using a mini-USB cable and Motorola V3i as a modem. For other types of Internet connections can be adjusted and the parties confirm your Provider.
* Since I use dial up internet connection so I use Gnome as the PPP dialer already include the installation of PCLinuxOS TinyMe2008. After I run the motorola modem pairs Gnome PPP and go to the configuration by doing click on the setup button.
* After the configuration window opens click-detect button to detect the modem in automation. Make sure your modem is supported by PCLinuxOS.
* Once the modem is detected click at Init String and the input button on the AT1 ATCommand .... because I use Telkomsel Flash Unlimited strings I use are as follows: AT + CGDCONT = 1, "IP", "internet"
* After that, click OK to exit the Command windows.
* Enter the dial is in no go ..... because I use Dial up GSM then I use a dial number is * 99 # or * 99 *** 1 #
* Then click the OK button to exit and return to the Gnome PPP dialer.
* Enter the same username as well as APN and Password.
* Fill in the dial number * 99 # or * 99 *** 1 #
* After all finished try clicking Connect button to connect.
* I think things went well. After doing internet connection sharing internet settings from the PCC (PCLinuxOS Control Center)
* Select menu and select Network and Internet Internet share ......
* Configure with Telkomsel Flash Unlimited:
* IP Telkomsel Flash: 192 168 100 101
* Primary DNS Server:
* Secondary DNS Server:
* Enter the IP Telkomsel Flash in column PCLinuxOS gateway IP and DNS server entries in the column Telkomsel Flash PCLinuxOS DNS Server
* Configure apparent that in accordance with PCLinuxOS requested by your LAN ....
* Usually PCLinuxOS will ask you to do istalasi Shorewall, do shorewall installation automatically, if the failure to install automatic install using Synaptic.
* After configuring PCLinuxOS is complete, configure the NIC in the computer - client computer by entering the IP Gateway and DNS from Provider PCLinuxOS.
* After all configuration is running correctly every - every computer connected to the internet gatewai run private PCLinuxOS can enjoy along with the other computer.
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